Meditation Instructions: Lucian Meditation is recommended to be practised every day. 1. Lucian Meditation Mantra Course Meditation consists of silently repeating the mantra, "lucian" for twenty, minutes, twice per day. The mantra becomes more and more refined, until one transcends the thought, clearing the mind. In fact, Lucian was taught meditation from a teacher who was in the lineage of Guru Dev. 2. Lucian Meditation Sutra Free Online Course Meditation using the sutra consists of repeating the sutra "green" for twenty minutes, twice per day after two months of using the mantra in the morning and evening.

To earn A (in an assignment, to have a healthy baby or use 50 As to earn a job) please visit the Anarchy Quiz.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

God Algorithm

(Professors should breason out 50 100%'s per semester, that are seen as including the 50 different As required per H1 student. This is usually done during the holiday, allowing time to work on the essays (that should be breasoned out) during the semester. Full time students should have breasoned out 12 weeks worth of (12) A's for each subject before each semester, to earn H1 in each of those subjects.)

To breason out an A, that can be an 80%, 90% or 100% for 85, 130 or 190 breasonings respectively:
1. Spiritually "turn off" the following, meaning it is protected.
2. Spiritually "play" 3 previously breasoned out As (done using Lucian Green's Anarchy Quiz - Google it!) to Cosmology (meaning that it is protected).
3. Breason out the object by thinking of it's x, y and z dimensions.
4. Spiritually place a Lucian doll on the left side of a stage with you behind it, looking at the object.
5. Move Lucian to the right, to a mother doll, to forget the object.
6. Imagine the object is replaced with a counter. Move Lucian to the left, to recognise that it is divine, and spiritually listen to him saying a three line prayer.
7. To help the counter and it's seen as version to move forward in a straight line, say "It is a line", then say "It is the same", then repeat the three prayer points, "I love you", "I love you dearly" and "I love you forever". This step "dots on" the breasoning in a "high quality way".

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